In Indonesia there are many temples.
Especially in Java there are a variety of
temples are spread from East Java to the west end of the island of Java.
But there are some peculiarities which can be seen in several temples that exist in Java.
Irregularities visible from the existing statues and reliefs. If the measurements are correct then the years by archaeologists a lot of things that make no sense in the two temples that had we studied the Temple Cetho and Penataran Temple.
The temple is situated on the slopes of Mount Cetho Lawu, located in the hamlet of Ceto, Gumeng Village, District Jenawi, Karanganyar regency, Central Java, at an altitude of 1400 m above sea level.
Judging from its shape, Temple Cetho unlike other temples in Indonesia,but precisely similar to the temples that exist in the civilization of the Incas, Maya in Latin America.

Some archaeologists say that the Temple Cetho Indonesia made the Majapahit era,
precisely at the time of King Brawijaya V.
If so then there are many anomalies that is questionable.
Among other things, stone temple made of stone,
when the Majapahit era, stone temple made of red brick.
Then, judging from the form of reliefs in the Temple Cetho, the level of precision and neatness of the carvings are still very simple. Unlike in Majapahit era depict a much more detailed figures statues or reliefs.
This indicates Temple Cetho age older than Majapahit era.
Likewise, there are statues in the temple shows Cetho many things that are much older than Majapahit era.
There are several sculptures that do not describe the Javanese that existed at that time, the statue is actually more similar to the figure of the Sumerians.
Though Sumerian culture is said to be world's oldest cultures.
From the side of the face and hair pieces do not show the Javanese but it has similarities with the Sumerians, Viking, Roman, or Greek.
But in terms of eye formation is identical with the Sumerian statue.

Of the face and how to dress and jewelry worn not typical of Java but the hallmark of Sumerian,but why is chiseled as people who subject and the face of fear?

When observed the side of the jewelry, to the ear is usually the Javanese use
In the next picture is a picture of the Sumerians that can be taken from the internet.
In the picture can be seen that the form of jewelry similar to those seen in
statue at Temple Cetho.
Habits in Sumer, in the form of jewelry bracelet resembles a watch that is only used by those who from among the nobles and knights.
So is the form of a crown-like hair and beard, dressed in a little way from the other side to that in this picture.
Eye shape is very similar, because the eye is described a large and wide
In the next picture is a picture of the Sumerians that can be taken from the internet.
In the picture can be seen that the form of jewelry similar to those seen in
statue at Temple Cetho.
Habits in Sumer,resembles a bracelet jewelry watches are only used by those who from among the nobles and knights.So is the form of a crown-like hair and beard, dressed in a little way from the other side to that in this picture.
Eye shape is very similar, because the eye is described a large and wide.

If they say the first man to have a civilization and social order is good, why do they worship at the temple and looked subdued Cetho?.
So whether our nation there is no civilization at that time or our civilization already more advanced than them?
In addition to connection with the Sumerians, in relief on the temple Cetho Java soldiers depicted in the figure where the images are also contained in the relief panels in Sukuh and in Villahermosa, Mexico.

Once again let's see, reasonably suspected statue is the figure of the Sumerians in the Temple Cetho with a relief that was in Monte Alban, Qaxaca, Mexico which shows a resemblance.
In the second picture above, the same figure is drawn in fear, surrender and worship or respect.
Is there a civilization of our nation's relationship with the Mayan civilization in Inca
Latin America in the face of the Sumerians?

Sukuh a temple with a unique building, because there are similarities with the shape of existing buildings at Saqqara Egypt, Chichen Itza and Tenochticlan in Mexico, and Copan in Honduras.
In the region there are several statues Sukuh bodied humans but with wings like a bird, unfortunately his head was missing.

.The picture above is a sculpture of the Maya, is images below are
ancient literacy "The Famous Bird-head Haggadah" of the Jewish nation.
But in the back area Sukuh can still be found several statues of human figures with wings that are still intact, and turns his head the shape of animals.
The similarity form of animal-headed human figure turns out there are also similarities in sculpture from the Mayans, ancient literacy in the Jewish nation,
and reliefs and sculptures in the Sumerian, Babylonian and Assyrian.

The figure of a winged human-headed animal and is often called the Anunnaki in Sumerian relief in the form of jewelry was wearing a similar bracelet wristwatch,
similar to those worn by the nobles and their knights.

Note also the similarity of the human-headed animals on the pictures below:
The picture on the left side of the figure is Pazuzu statue made of black stone which came from Babylon.
The picture on the right side is a statue that comes from the Assyrian civilization,
so is the picture below is a gold-plated bronze plate which also comes from Assyrian.
.Whether the relationship in the past between the ancestors of our nation by the Mayans,
Sumerian, Babylonian, Assyrian and animal-headed human species?

Subdistrict Nglegok, Blitar, East Java; at an altitude of 450 meters above sea level.
In the area of the temple there are many reliefs that are putting the jelly mystery to observe.
Very many reliefs that show foreign nations that we once knew. Figures are always portrayed as a figure that seems subject to the ruling in Penatarantemple.
Unfortunately some of the reliefs have been damaged, but fortunately some parts are still recognizable.

Some of the reliefs in the temple of upgrading that show foreign nations that once we recognize:
In this relief appears there are three people behind the people who were sitting,
and in front there are two people who are worshiping. If you look at the jelly,
people who far left like a dress of ethnic Han [Chinese], then in front of him like those depicted in Angkor Vat [Campa Nations],
and in front of him again resemble those of the Maya,
Inca or Copan originating from Latin America.
Meanwhile, one of which squatted in front of the [far right] looks like a hooded man who Jews.
From this picture one might expect that worship is a sit down and three people standing behind the seat is bodyguard.

Of the two pictures on the side,
looks like there are two reliefs using a cap.
Clothes like these can we find in the area of Turkey, India to Pakistan.
On the left is a relief in Penataran temple with a similar figure to the people of the Middle East.
The statue figure of people from Babylon and the people of Sumer.
Relief in Penataran temple with people dressed in the usual figure found in Africa.

.In relief on the above it appears there are three people who are not dressed in the style of our kingdom, where they worship and sat down, dressed like a glimpse of how the Egyptians.
So who are they and what are you doing there?
Having examined the more observant, relief is expected is a picture of three women.
Estimates about them is because women in these reliefs are not bearded.
If a woman is considered Japan or Korea there is inequality in the model when it is said cap-like hair and turbans from India,
then usually use are men who are always portrayed bearded.
Of the three images above is almost similar to the existing reliefs
Upgrading at the temple.
So it can be estimated that there is a figure in relief of Egyptian women.

In addition to visible relief image of a princess who is being worshiped or may be served.
In the background there is the figure of the princess's face is somewhat damaged, but from the hood like headgear Romans.
Someone thought it was a palm tree, but no palm trees that looks like it's curved.
Also not an ornament or decoration because there is no supporting ornaments that can define what it is.
However, when considered as a Roman soldier who was escorting
a daughter with a slightly wavy hair that are characteristic of the daughters of the Romans.
Some Roman hairstyle that can be found in the reliefs in the temple Penataran,
especially at number 3 from the left.
The problem is, why in the national history there is no explanation of how widespread
Our country first?.

.Ancestors Archipelago managed to take over one of the train ride and shoot in the direction opposite the reliefs that are at level two existing buildings on the Temple Sitihinggil Upgrading very clearly shows the conquest of a nation that is similar to the Indians.
The addition of Indian troops to invade the ancestral archipelago archipelago Ancestors successfully piercing the commander of the Indians in the Americas

Shortly after successfully mastered, one our fathers crowned the Duke there There is a picture of the tree cactus, and the tree is native to the AmericasThe Indians have described similar elephant troops,and the elephant as an elephant and now and do not resemble mammoths.Seen in the reliefs that controlled areas are areasThere kaktusnya tree.Whereas cactus known from the Americas.With proof of the relief elephants and cactus, it can be estimated that the nation which our forefathers conquered the Kingdom of the Maya of Copan is now located in the country of Honduras.

While the picture on the right is the figure of Mayan warriors of the KingdomCopan is now located in Honduras.This relief is the figure of the soldier of the Americas located in Temple Upgrading..On one side at the bottom of Sitihinggil reliefs in the temple there is a giant Upgrading [Buto] that there are similarities in the sculptures and Rangda masks in Bali.The similarity of shape and there is also the face of a giant relief sculpture found in Mexico City, where mentioned by archaeologists that the figure was an Aztec king.

.In the courtyard there are some forms Penatarantemple giant statue guards or commonly referred to as Dwarapala,consists of several sizes ranging from very large, medium to small.In the Mayan civilization also has a giant statue of a guard,very interesting is the position of the rod are equally in place on the sloping shoulder,head and clothing accessories are almost the same, only on a small statue of a giant guard in Penatarantemple realized with a more detailed ornamentation.Small statue of a giant guard in Penatarantemple,unfortunately the end of his club had been decapitated Statue of small guard at the giant Mayan civilization

In these reliefs we can also see there is a hooded figure but does not show originated from Indonesia.It states that the relief image and a giant ape-man is another race that time there was,unlike in Darwin's theory that humans descended from apes tell, thisproves that ordinary people in those days,and a giant ape-men exist and live side by side.
